Amba is a Positive Psychology Author and Certified Positive Psychology Coach with a passion for helping youth. Fill out the form below to schedule your free session and develop a unique plan.

What is Positive Psychology Coaching?
A popular definition of Positive Psychology Coaching is:
Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC) is a scientifically-rooted approach to helping clients increase wellbeing, enhance and apply strengths, improve performance, and achieve valued goals. At the core of PPC is a belief in the power of science to elucidate the best [methods for development].
Kauffman, Boniwell, and Silberman (2010).
Our Method
Positive Psychology
What is it?
Our coaching is based on Positive Psychology, the study of what makes people thrive and lead meaningful lives.
It is a scientific field of study that provides us with evidence-based knowledge on how we can increase our wellbeing and happiness.
More information on Positive Psychology, Positive Education, and Positive Transitioning can be found here.
How does it work?
It's a powerful partnership where the coach and client create a process together, to support the client in maximizing their potential in one or more areas of their life to enable them to thrive.
Our philosophy and approach comes from the science of happiness, a field of study dedicated to researching what makes us authentically happy and how can we create more of it.
Watch this quick clip explaining positive psychology...
Types of Coaching
General Youth Wellbeing Coaching
Designed to improve wellbeing in youth. Supporting children and teens.
Positive Interventions are used alongside traditional coaching methodologies to improve overall happiness.
Graduate Coaching
Supporting high school students discover their unique path by unlocking their own ability to discover and achieve this.
Positive Interventions are used alongside traditional coaching methodologies to assist students.

Online Video Coaching allows Amba to provide support for students internationally. Students are able to relax and engage in these consultations from the comfort of their homes.
Amba also provides 'Walk and Talk' Therapy on the Sydney Northern Beaches.
The proof is in the research:
Studies have shown that coaching improves goal attainment, enhances psychological and subjective well-being, increases resilience, and reduces depression, stress, and anxiety. (Grant & Cavanagh 2011 Study)

"The Purpose of our Lives is to be Happy"
~ The Dalai Lama