It's that time of the year again... BACK - TO - SCHOOL !
Here's a great piece to get you school ready :)

CAN it really be six weeks since the kids broke up for the gloriously-long summer holidays? Is it really just a couple of weeks until the state’s cherubs are back, for the start of another school year?
Depending on your circumstances, Term 1, is approaching way too quickly, or it can’t get here fast enough.
One thing is for certain, come Monday, January 29, there are guaranteed to be a few jitters and some tears as youngsters begin school for the very first time, or start at a new school — for some it’ll even mean heading hundreds of kilometres from home to boarding school.
The Sunday Mail has caught up with several child and educational experts — and families — for some tips to help prepare you and your children, no matter what age, for a new school year.
There is one thing they each agree on and that is, it’s now time to start gearing the family up to head back to the classroom.
Adelaide clinical psychologist Kirrilie Smout has come up with a list of “conversation starters” to get the ball rolling, such as “what three friends are you most looking forward to catching up with in the first week?”
She says if kids are worried about going back to school, or starting at a new school, it’s important to work through these issues now, rather than on the eve of the first day back.
“This allows you time to find out specifically what might happen which makes them anxious and to help them generate some strategies for these potential problems,” she said.
“(But) don’t talk endlessly about it, put some boundaries around it so that conversations don’t go on for hours.”
... Interested? Read more here.