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  • Writer's pictureAmba Brown

5 easy survival tips for recent graduates

5 easy survival tips for recent graduates

You've graduated! That's the hard part over with. Or is it only just beginning? The switch from higher education to the bottom of the career ladder can be a culture shock. Here are some tips to help you go from learner to earner.

It’s natural after graduation to look out into the big wide world and wonder how you’re going to make it. The jobs market is tough, and thousands of people just like you are applying for anything and everything.

So how can you go from being a graduate to finding work?

Don’t worry! We are going to take you through 5 easy stages that will help you survive out there.

Follow these tips and you’ll cut down the stress and focus on what matters.

Things get complicated and it’s easy to forget the basics. So here are some no brainers for recent graduates that may not have occurred to you yet.

Tips for starting your career

... Read more via the full & original article HERE >

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